Saturday, September 17, 2011

Heart Breaker Eyes

5 year old Leif was given the task of pounding flat a bunch of staples so this board could be re-hung in a fixing project. He was so happy to be given a real job and so cute in the knowledge that he was being a helper to Uncle Ben. (Well, this child would be cute doing anything, right? Those heart breaker eyes!)


“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

~Benjamin Franklin~

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Little Things are the Big Things

Little Things

"The art of contentment is the recognition that the most satisfying and the most dependably refreshing experiences of life lie not in great things but in little. The rarity of happiness among those who achieved much is evidence that achievement is not in itself the assurance of a happy life. The great, like the humble, may have to find their satisfaction in the same plain things."

Edgar A. Collard, 1974