Another day was spent at our favorite mountain stream, this time with even more of the family present. This, our almost exclusive camping location for all those years, still retains the same qualities that we love. It's remote for one thing, has a wonderful rushing waterfall to hike to, first across this rustic bridge, then on a mossy, narrow, winding path crowded with ferns and dense, fragrant forest. There are huge boulders to test one's climbing skills, freezing, clear mountain water to swim or wade in and thousands of tempting river stones to skim or throw. The day was warm and sunny- not the best for pictures with all that dappled sun and shade but
later when the requisite hike was over and we had eaten our picnic, we found the stream side shady and inviting.

Hidden within this timeless, instinctual pastime is a world of physicality, contemplation, fun, and competition. Rock skipping can be a solitary or group activity, athletically competitive or meditatively energizing, a simple diversion or a trigger for creative thought.
~Norene Sandifer~
The Art Of Rock Skipping

Drake seemed like a pro at the art of rock skimming and his Mom, Holly, was no slouch either.

Ben and Drake found some challenging target high up on the trail above the stream.Yes, we could have stayed at our magical, enchanting, beauty spot all day. Well, actually we did!