Monday, July 30, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Sprinkler Jumping
The Central Coast of California was having a heat wave (aka Summer) while we were there.
Is there a better way to enjoy really hot weather? (If you'r under 10.)
Luke, Leif, Ivy.
Ivy seems to have the jump on the boys. Maybe she has wings hidden in that bathing suit somewhere! Make a note boys. Or maybe the goggles and tongue help.
Sprinkler jumping - a new Olympic sport.

Friday, July 13, 2012
A Neat Trick
Dad really wanted to get a photo with Lola, the youngest great Grandchild. She had not had a chance to get acquainted with them yet and was not so sure!
Lola goes from angry to startled to bemused when Dad hits on the novel approach of teasingly copying her squall and everyone, all the onlookers/photographers, loudly join the bawling chorus. That was the last thing she expected! But the sequence is priceless. The last one is my favorite.

Thursday, July 12, 2012
Road Trip
4 adults and 6 kids
{if a 16 year old who can help drive counts as a kid}
{no not the 2 year old!}
go on a
2 day
road trip.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
65 Years Ago ~ 07-07-'47
Happy 65th Anniversary Mom and Dad.
Wow is all I can say! And we love you so much. Your life has been such an example to our whole family.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Just One More
This video of WWII scenes set to the Battle Hymn of The Republic is dedicated to Dad who fought in that war and John who is a WWII buff. Enlarge the screen and turn up the volume.
George Washington
In his own words.....
:::: "There is no truth more thoroughly established than that there exists an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness ....The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained." --- First Inaugural Address.---
:::: "I was but the humble agent of favoring Heaven, whose benign interference was so often manifested in our behalf, and to whom the praise of victory alone is due."---to the legislature of the state of Connecticut----
::::"To the great Ruler of events, not to any exertions of mine, is to be ascribed the favorable termination of our late contest for liberty. I never considered the fortunate issue of any measure in any other light than as the ordering of a kind Providence." ---in a letter to Jonathan Williams.-----
::::"The honor and safety of our bleeding country, and every other motive that can influence the brave and heroic patriot, call loudly upon us to acquit ourselves with spirit. In short we must now determine to be enslaved or free. If we make freedom our choice, we must obtain it by the blessing of Heaven on our united and vigorous efforts. ---to the officers and soldiers of the Pennsylvania Associators----
::::"The power under the Constitution will always be the people. It is entrusted for certain defined purposes, and for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and whenever it is executed contrary to their interest, or not agreeable to their wishes, their servants can and undoubtedly will, be recalled."( hear, hear!!) ---To Bushrod Washington---
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
America's Most Indispensable Man
Thoughts upon completing a biography of George Washington.(just in time for Independence Day)
:::::"Washington's contributions were clear to his contemporaries. He was called "The Father of His Country" as early as 1779. those who knew him well Joined in the praise.
::::::: Benjamin Rush, a Congessmsn who served with Washington, wrote in 1775, "General Washington....seems to be one of those illustrious heroes whom Providence raises up once in three or four hundred years to save a nation from ruin....There is not a king in Europe that would look like a valet de chambre by his side."
:::::: Francis Hopkinson, one of Washington's military aides, wrote: "To him the title of Excellency is applied with particular propriety. He is the best and greatest man the world ever knew...He retreats like a General, and attacks like a Hero. Had he lived in the days of Idolitry, he had been worshipped as a God.
::::::: And Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1782, long before the Constitutional Convention and Washington's presidency,"Washington's memory will be adored while liberty shall have votaries, whose name shall triumph over time, and will in future ages assume it's just station among the most celebrated worthies of the world."
::::: Many books have been written about him but in this one, The Real George Washington-America's Most Indispensable Man, rather than analyze and dissect the man until nothing remains but faulty interpretations, the authors have told his story in simple terms, allowing him the privilege to present himself throughout. The evidence leaves no doubt that Washington the man is entirely worthy of Washington the myth. Tomorrow, if I have time, I will present some quotes that my surprise anyone who believes this country didn't have a providential and miraculous birth.
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