Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rilla ~ 8 mo.

The way time is flying I'd better get these 8 mo. pictures of Rilla up or she will be 9 mo.! She is just starting to crawl, or "scooch". (This word merits a red line under it for not being a real word or being in the dictionary) Anyway it's a description of what she's  doing. 
combination of left leg bent for sitting back up when the need arises, hands down on the floor and right leg out to the side and foot used to move along. If she gets faster at this she might have no desire to get down on all fours and crawl. ( That's the way it was for Lola who never did crawl.) After all, why get in a position where you can't see anything!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What incredibly adorable pictures of Rilla!!!!!! If we were or enlarge and/or frame one, I have no idea which one we would choose. I miss her so much but am glad we can at least see such beautiful pictures of her from time to time. Mom