Tuesday, May 19, 2015


I made this bonnet yesterday out of the 
last knitted item, a wash cloth, which I found
in my Mom's knitting basket.
These cloths were the easiest thing for her to make

 after she developed arthritis in her hands.
made them in every color of the rainbow.

We all have them to match our kitchens, but this last one was pure white and the only finished thing in the bag. So yesterday it took the shape of this simple little bonnet for Sweden. Mom would be so tickled that her newest Great Grandchild {who gets her name for my Mom's own parents' country of origin} got to wear it, if only this once, 

for posterity.


Anonymous said...

OMGoodness!! Great Pics Bambi!!;)

Sweet Bouquets said...

Lots of sweetness going on here! Love your beautiful pictures!