Sunday, January 20, 2013

Butterfly Child

I'm never very successful at getting good pictures of Lola when she's here. {True butterflies are quite illusive too don't you know.}


  She doesn't like to look at the camera as her Mom can also attest. I was, however, successful,{ha} at getting little pigtails in her hair {while she was distracted at the sink with water running, an apple to eat and cup cake pans to play in}. She left the pigtails in *for a while*, touching them occasionally, and looking in mirrors whenever possible. Good thing I got pictures to prove it though because they were long gone by the time her mom came to pick her up!
 Of course I had nothing else that I was trying to do while she was here. Her mother seldom has that luxury at home though. Wow I don't know how Heidi does it. This gal is a dynamo. Never a dull moment, {And Heidi already has 3 other dynamos!}
PicMonkey Collage-words


Heidi said...

I LOVE them! :) I need to try them again so she can get used to having pigtails in!!

Shannon said...

I love the shot against the window with the wings! LOVELY Mom!