More *balloon* posts are inevitable!
This month was my turn to host our
book club.
The weather and the garden cooperated to make the perfect evening.
Debi brought the most wonderful G-free German Chocolate Cake!
" We are reading April 1865- The Month That Saved America and yes I have gone to book club plenty of times with out finishing the book and I'm not the only one :) Good thing we spend more than half the time (and sometimes the entire night) talking about other things that have nothing to do with the book. It's just fun, get out of the house, away from kids, get together, girl time. The book is sometimes a minor part of it."
~Holly Karstens~ book club member
Mountains and stream of my Husband's
blissfull childhood memory.
Little girls are the nicest things that happen to people. They are born with a little bit of angelshine about them, and though it wears thin sometimes there is always enough left to lasso your heart.
~Alan Beck~
This photo of granddaughter Ivy in a silly mood makes for the perfect entry for *i heart faces* contest this week, Laughter being the theme. This of course is for the children's division. My entry for the adult contest is in the previous post.