Monday, April 13, 2009

ILEX~ The Birthday Girl

Perfect love sometimes does not come till the first grandchild. ~Welsh Proverb~

Ilex is thirteen today.
Where did the time go?
She is now taller than her mother
and taller than I, her grandmother.

Ilex was our first grandchild and we discovered that all of the things they say about being a grandparent are true.
She has delighted us, made us laugh and smile and view things through the eyes of a child again.

We predict that her teen years will be just as delightful and fun.
She is growing into all her interests and talents and is discovering how many things she can do.

Usually children spend more time in the garden than anybody else.It is where they learn about the world, because they can be in it unsupervised, yet protected. Some gardeners will remember from their own earliest recollections that no one sees the garden as vividly, or cares about it as passionately, as the child who grows up in it.

~ Carol Williams, Bringing a Garden to Life ~
Grandmas don't just say "that's nice" -- they reel back and roll their eyes and throw up their hands and smile. You get your money's worth out of grandmas.--

Happy Birthday, Ilex, from your Grandma (Bambi) and Poppy

If nothing is going well, call your grandmother.
~ Italian Proverb~


heather said...

Happy Birthday Illex!

Heidi said...

What terrific photos, mom. I love the story they tell along with the perfect quotes. (The growing up in a garden one is amazing....) Ilex sure is a gem.

Shell in your Pocket said...

What a pretty girl! Wonderful pictures!
sandy toe

Sheri said...

Oh the joy of being a grandmother! She's beautiful.